Saturday, December 31, 2011

BrInG On ThE NeW YeAr!!

Happy New Year to all!
Holy cow! I can NOT believe that a whole year, 365 days has gone by! It is so crazy how the time flies! Its almost depressing, but I am excited to see what the new year 2012 has to bring.
So like I said before in my previous blog, one of my New Years resolutions is to blog one thing a day that I am thankful for. Some days I'm sure I'll have more to say than others, kind of like tonight!
First I want to list all of my resolutions (in no particular order) for the New Year.
1. Train for Epic. (Super excited and so glad me and Haley could put a team together!)
2. Become the healthy person that I was this summer.
3. Not be afraid to try new things.
4. Blog something I'm thankful for everyday. ( I really feel this will help me have a better perspective on life)
5. Try my hardest to be a better student.
6. Become a full tithe payer again.
7. Be a better daughter, sister, and friend
Thankful Blog Post #1
Seeing how it is the new year, I need to take this blog post to say how thankful I am for this last year.
This last year has probably been the hardest year of my life. Why would I be thankful for it then you may ask? Maybe because I have grown so much this last year and I wouldn't change it for anything. This last January I started out in Pocatello. . .Or should I say Poca-hell-hole. Probably the worst place for a new young adult to start out living on their own! Thank heavens I had my sister and brother-in-law there for me. Yeah that's who I hung out with haha. I am so thankful for those two. They will always have a special place in my heart! Also I'm so thankful for how in-tune with the spirit my sister Alicia is. EVERY time I was having a hard time, it never failed that I would hear my phone ringing with Alicia on the other end. "Hey Haley me and Trever are getting Chinese food wanna come over and have some?!" "Hey Haley I'm going out to eat with my friends, would you like to come?" So thankful that my Heavenly Father loves me enough to look out for me and fill Alicia in on how I was feeling. Love you sister! :]
I then moved to Provo to live with my other sister Chelsy (yeah I'm attached to my family. . . beware future husband;] ) and that was a blast! We did Zumba, started training for a marathon, laughed, cried, and shared everything with each other. So thankful that she took me in under her wing, got me a job, and watched after me.
 But then I had a strong impression that I needed to move home so I did. Still not very sure why I had that impression though. Guess I have yet to find out. So I moved home and was very sad that I had left my sister. I was pretty blue. Trying to search why I needed to move home. So I sucked it up, got a job and hated that! haha My boss was horrible and treated me horribly. I was determined to find another job so I could quit this one. I prayed to my Heavenly Father so much that I could find another job so I could quit this one. But INSTEAD, my boss stated treating me better one day out of the blue. So I stayed. I find it funny how you pray for one thing but our Heavenly Father doesn't answer it just how you want, but how he feels is best. He knows what he's doing :]
I also need to say how thankful I am for my Parents. They have put up with SO much this last year with me. From going to college, needing to borrow money, having to buy me TWO cars because while I was in Pocatello I got into an accident (another low point for me). Dealing with me leaving school to live with my sister, taking me back when I felt I needed to move home, being there for me when I just needed someone to talk to, and supporting me in ALL my decisions! I love them so much!
(I know this is getting really long but I have just a few more things:] )
I am SO thankful this year for the tithing that I have paid. Last year I made a New Years resolution to pay a full tithe and guess what. . . I DID IT! While I was doing it, I felt like nothing was going right. Everything was going wrong and I was miserable. I always said to my mom "Why am I paying this? I'm not getting any blessings from it!" My mom would lovingly and patiently reply "Have faith. Heavenly Father will bless you. You probably just can't see the blessings right now. They will come." I just rolled my eyes like "Yeah right!" But HOLY COW! Things have fallen into place SO well. From going back to school, having to pay student debts back, everything has just worked out, even though at the time it seemed like the world was out to get me! Tithing really is such a wonderful thing!
I am so thankful for how much I have had to grow up this last year!
Again, sorry this was so long, I probably could have made it longer but this is a blog, not a novel :)
I hope you all have a wonderful 2012 (if the world doesn't come to an end ;]) I know that I am going to try my hardest to!

(I promise my mom is not a stoner. . . just kind looks this way ;] hahaha)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Whole New Thing

Welp. . . This is a whole new thing for me, but I thought it would be fun and would be something new. A few months ago I discoverd a brand new little thing called 'Pintrest'. Oh boy is this thing fun! So many things to look at! Everything from fashion, pictures, weddings, jewelry, crafts, etc. As I was looking through the crafts I came upon this book someone had made. It was a book that was decorated all cute and was titled "365 Things I am Grateful For" Everyday they wrote an entry of what they were thankful for. I thought this was such a great idea. During this day and age I feel like a lot of us forget to be thankful for what we have, I know I sure do! At the beginning of the year I am going to challenge myself to blog what I am thankful for every day. (or at least try (;  I think this will be one of my many News Years resolutions. I love making my resolutions for the new year(: ) I also feel like it will be fun to start blogging about my college experiences as I head up to BYU-I on January 4th. Anyways, I just needed to get this blog in now so that I can start with my challenge and the beginnig of the year! :)
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