Sunday, April 29, 2012

~WOAH! Way too long!~

Well. . . My Plan for blogging everyday for something I am thankful for failed miserably. . .Not that its hard to be thankful for something different everyday, I'm just lazy:-/ So I'll try again next New Years! Any who I'll just fill you in on what has been going on since last time I blogged!
Nothing too new has been going on. Other than we have way too much fun! Me, Aimee, and Forrest are the best of friends and I don't know what i would do without them, we do everything together. The new semester has started and so far so good:) I'm taking a swimming and golf class this semester so that's exciting because my last semester was hard! But good news I passed all my classes last semester haha there were a few that i was really worried about haha. Me and my friends really haven't gone on any spontaneous trips lately but we do crazy things so that compensates for it haha. We've started doing campfires, picnics, flying kites, and just little last minute trips to Idaho Falls (close places). BUT. . .this last weekend a bunch of us went to Yellowstone National Park. It was fun. It is such a beautiful place. I couldn't get enough of the beautiful scenery. Anyways, that's about all that's been going in my crazy, beautiful life! I'm going home this next weekend to see family so I can't wait for that!  

 Isn't this picture BEAUTIFUL?!

Everyone have a fabulous Sunday night!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Almost One Month Later!

Well, so much for trying to do better at saying what I am thankful for everyday! I was even gonna start really good at the beginning of February. But I didn't realize it was February till I started getting invited to Valentine’s Day parties haha So really all I'm trying to tell you is that I get kinda busy and forget to do things, including some of my homework! :-/ So I'll try and catch you up on some of the really important stuff that has happened in the past month.

School has been going really good, I love it actually. When I made the decision to go there I didn't realize that it would be the best decision I have made in my life so far. I have made some really good friends and my roommates are great. Shout out to Aimee Bean and Forrest Manning for doing everything together haha almost too much. We basically live at Forrest’s house. :]

Classes have been going good, but there for awhile I didn't know if I was gonna be able to do it. But I decided to suck it up and tell myself that this wasn't going to last forever and that I could do it. So I did. I've started having a better attitude about it and I can tell a huge difference. Good thing that I made this decision before midterms because this last week honestly kicked my butt! 6 tests last week. . . .not cool!

At the beginning of February I got really sick. I could hardly talk, I had the worst cough and runny nose, and I got cold sores on my eyelid. Not fun at all. I also had a huge anatomy exam and I was so stressed out. I went to the doctor on campus TWICE and they couldn't help me either time! So i decided to ask my friends Mike and Logan to give me a priesthood blessing and it was the sweetest blessing. I love the Priesthood and don't know what I would do with it in my life. I am so grateful for worthy boys that were able to give it to me right when I needed it. Of course it helped and of course I did better on my exam than i had ever hoped for.

Me, Aimee, and Forrest have definitely had some adventures since the last time I have been on. On a Friday night we decided to go to Wal Mart at one in the morning in Idaho Falls to search the $5 movie bins. Since Rexburg doesn't have a Super Wal Mart we thought Idaho Falls would have the movie we were looking for! Of course they did! We left Wal Mart with some pretty good steals! I got the movie i was looking for and Forrest got Monopoly for cheaper than the Rexburg Wal Mart! Look at us bargain shoppers:] Then we decided to go get breakfast at Sharri's and by now it was 2:30 haha. So we finally made it home and we told each other we planned to sleep in and that we were going to have a movie day all day Saturday. But that didn't go as we planned! We up and left Rexburg to go to Provo Utah to take some girls to a dance competition. We drove all that way starting at one in the afternoon. We got there by five, dropped the girls off and went to hang out with my sister, brother in law, and my adorable nephew. We had a great time. The girls finally called us at 10 P.M. telling us they were done. So we went to pick them up. We knew we had a long drive/night ahead of us. We ended up getting home at 3:30 and man were we tired! CRAP!!!! We forgot our keys!!!!!! What are we going to do?! Yes me and Aimee had forgotten our house keys and we had to sleep in Forrest’s car. All I have to say is that was one cold night! I will never forget my keys again! BHAHA i still can't believe we slept in a car! But anyways, we have had many adventures but those ones are probably our most fun, most memorable ones:]

Last weekend and this weekend I have spent it with my family and have had so much fun! I love my family and would not trade them for the world. I love them all so much. I love my Niece and nephew and love how much joy they bring into this family.

Any who, I will TRY and be better at blogging but don't count on it haha.

Everyone have a great rest of your Sunday!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow Snow Snow

Well ladies and gentlemen, Rexburg now officially has snow on the ground! Its bitter sweet. I love the snow but I do not like driving in it. Especially because to get to my house I have to go down the big hill here :-/ Me and my roommates and Forrest built a snowman today. Well really just my roommates and Forrest, but I helped destroy it. It was kind of a sad looking snowman to be honest hahaha. But it makes for good memories right?
Well this week was SUPER busy! So glad tomorrow is Friday. I forgot how hard it is to have a social life while having a school life.
Monday: Lots of homework
 Tuesday: Classes, science group meeting, listening to Elder L. Tom Perry (SO AWESOME!) my tutor group met, took a test after that, went to Zumba with Aimee, and then went and hung out with Forrest and watched a movie
Wednesday: A FULL load of classes and labs, homework, then a movie in the movie theater in our lounge.
Thursday: Took a much needed nap! homework, then another movie tonight (yeah we like movies here haha) then bed!
This getting to bed early thing is not working out for me!
Thankful Post #12

Today I am thankful for our brain and how it works. In my Anatomy class we are now learning every part in the skull and it is so awesome. Its amazing how our brain/skull works and all the parts that is has. You can not tell me that our Heavenly Father had nothing to do with that! Any who I know I'm a nerd but this kind of stuff really fascinates me haha.
Well i am off to another movie! Have a fab night!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Clean Room

Oh today was such a lazy day! It was much needed, we partied too hard last night ;) haha. We went to Applebees, a dance, and then hung out at some friends house. Today I had the ambition to REALLY clean my room. So I did. Only because Wal mart FINALLY got in the command hall hangers so i could hang everything up. It was a happy day:)
Thankful post #11
Today I am thankful for command wall hangers. They made it possible for me to get my room all put together! About time right? haha
Here are some pictures from my weekend and my room!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ya know. . . I'm really bad at this! Haley is kicking my butt at this thankful thing. I'll try to get better! Well this week has been quite eventful. Me and Carrie drove back to Rexburg from our long wonderful weekend, and we made it back safe and sound. As soon as I got back me and my roommates headed to FHE to meet our family. The boys planned for us to have a "breakfast potluck". I made yummy banana bread, Amiee made the eggs, and Phil made the wonderful stuffed french toasts, thanks Phil! :) My FHE family is great, and yes we play with face cards at BYU and on a FHE night. . .we bad hehehe Tuesday we had a couple of them over and we played some more card games haha. Wednesday me and my roommate went to the gym. I got SO lost! I searched for this dang gym for probably 15 minutes. Finally I gave up and decided to ask a teacher where it was. She kindly showed me the way:)  Tonight is Thursday, and I got a NICE 2 hour nap! Sure I won't be able to sleep tonight, but it was a dang good nap!! We also went to a spinning class and HOLY COW that kicked my butt! I'm starting my Pre-training for my epic training, it makes sense ok? Don't judge me haha. Now I'm sitting here blogging counting down the hours for when it is finally Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend!
Thankful Post #10
Today I am thankful for my FHE brothers. They are so cool and chill, and we have way too much fun with them. I know one of them is really good at Anatomy so I'm gonna have to get to know him better because for all of you that want to know, I suck at anatomy haha any who I look forward to many for FHE nights with them.
Happy almost weekend!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Naps By the Fire

Again, I love Sundays! Today was a very good day. Went to church with my family, mom made a delicious dinner, and brownies, and I got in a Sunday nap :) I haven't had a good nap on a sunday in forever!
Thankful Post #9
Today I am thankful for Sunday naps. I was feelin pretty tired after lunch (probably because I stayed up till three watching One Tree Hill :] ) so I thought that I would go lay down to see if I could get a nap in. i tried my room but it was way too cold, so I went downstairs by the nice warm fire, and passed out! Oh it was very lovely :) haha Now I won't be able to sleep tonight but thats ok, leaves time for me to watch more One Tree Hill!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Thankful Post #8
Today I am so thankful that I have a home with loving parents to come home to. Yes college is still going good, i'm just glad that I have a place to call home and that I love coming to. Another reason I love coming home is because my mother is the greatest cook ever! Yes we're having her homemade pizza tonight and I cannot wait! :D I hope I don't have a hard time after this long weekend going back to Rexburg haha
Have a great Saturday

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm a Slacker

Oh my goodness! I am such a slacker! I am six days behind on my thankful posts :-/ I have honestly been so busy ha. I forgot how much college consumes your life! Just to catch you up to date for any of those who even care haha, school is going great. I mean as great as school can get. Not much has happened since my last post other than school. Oh and LOTS of cute boys :) do you think I've talked to any of them? NO! I know whats my problem right! It will come! haha And I got a 94 on my very first test here, so that's a good sign right? I sure hope so!
Thankful post #7
Today I am so thankful for my religion class. Here and BYU-I you are required to take one, which is good because I probably wouldn't have taken one if not required. I'm already at a church school why would I need to take a religion class right? Wrong! This class is awesome. Yes, we just study the BOM, but we study it in a way that you wouldn't study on your own. My teacher is a very neat man, and he makes the class worth while. Being in this class I have really noticed the blessings from it. I'm doing great in classes, and my day just seems to be better because of it. Every college student should take a religion class. It definitely is worth it.
Have a fabulous Thursday night:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lovin' Me Some Sunday

Oh I love Sundays! Probably because its still the weekend, but its just such a nice day of rest! So today, that is what I am thankful for:)
Thankful post #6
Today I am thankful for Sunday. For the chance that we have to go and partake of the Sacrament, and renew our covenants. What a neat thing we get to do every Sunday. Today as I was sitting in Sacrament, I felt our Heavenly Fathers love so strong. I know that he loves me, and knows me. I know that he wants us to be happy, and to succeed in this life here. There is a reason we go to church on Sunday. It helps us to become closer to Him, and learn what we need to do to make it back to Him. I am thankful for the leaders that he has called to be over my singles ward. I really feel as if they are going to be a big influence in my life. Any who. . . .Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!:)
Until Tomorrow

Friday, January 6, 2012


Boy am I glad that it is Friday! This week has been crazy, and I've only been to three days of school this week. How am I going to do five?! Hopefully I will survive.
Thankful Post #5
Yes, I missed posting something I'm thankful for last night. I had so much homework I just couldn't seem to find the time. But today I am so thankful that the weekend has started! I need time just to wind down and not have to worry about being somewhere. Whoever invented the weekend is a gosh dang genius! It may seem silly to be thankful for the weekend, but it is something that I ALWAYS look forward too haha! Anyways,
Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Worn out!

Wow am I tired! Its only my second day here and I'm worn out. Me and a couple of my roommates went to I-night last night and it was a blast. We did speed dating (of course only here and BYU-I hehe) it was actually pretty fun. Then we went to a comic frenzy show and that was funny. Its similar to "whos line is it anyways". And then we hit up the dance! There were more people there than in my whole high school! And guess what?! The boys didn't just stand around, they danced haha probably more than the girls.
Today was my first day with classes. Oh boy did i get lost! I circled the campus three times before I could find my first class :-/ I'm worn out and am ready for bed! All in all though its been a good experience so far!
Thankful post #4
Today I am thankful for nice people that will point me in the right direction for my classes. Even for those who try but miserably fail, and i end up circling the campus ;)
Until tomorrow! Good night world!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Here

SO. . . Today I made it to BYU-I, and so far so good! :) Other than waiting in the financial aide office for 2 hours to get a "you'll have to make an appointment and come back tomorrow!" Are you for reals?! It was very maddening, but I'm not going to let that ruin my night :) This campus is honestly amazing! The atmosphere is great! Tonight me and my roommates are going to meet our bishopric, and then go to a dance! Should be fun. . . I hope :)
Thankful post #3
Today I am thankful for the GI Bill and my Dad. For those who have no idea what the GI Bill is, it is money that is given to service men/woman to go to school. If they don't use it they can pass it down to their children, which is exactly what my dad did for me! I have everything paid for! Tuition, books and supplies, housing, and they pay me a monthly allowance! HOW COOL IS THAT?! I am super excited! Now I can have a real college experience and not have to worry about money and just focus on school and have a good time!:) Thanks Dad!
Everyone enjoy the rest of your Tuesday! :)

Monday, January 2, 2012


Thankful Post #2
Today I am so thankful for my family! My family is the best. This morning as I was packing to move up to Rexburg and they were so helpful. My dad was out getting my car ready to make the drive, and my mom was pointing me in the right direction of where I had placed everything when I moved home. Today I got to spend my last little outing with them while living at home. I'll have many more but this is the last one while living here. We went to Logan, went out to eat, and shopped around. I love going out with my family we always have suck a good time. I am definitely going to miss them as I head back to school.
Thank you family for all that you do for me!
Tomorrow I will be heading up to Rexburg for school. I am excited but nervous all at the same time! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it! :)