Sunday, April 29, 2012

~WOAH! Way too long!~

Well. . . My Plan for blogging everyday for something I am thankful for failed miserably. . .Not that its hard to be thankful for something different everyday, I'm just lazy:-/ So I'll try again next New Years! Any who I'll just fill you in on what has been going on since last time I blogged!
Nothing too new has been going on. Other than we have way too much fun! Me, Aimee, and Forrest are the best of friends and I don't know what i would do without them, we do everything together. The new semester has started and so far so good:) I'm taking a swimming and golf class this semester so that's exciting because my last semester was hard! But good news I passed all my classes last semester haha there were a few that i was really worried about haha. Me and my friends really haven't gone on any spontaneous trips lately but we do crazy things so that compensates for it haha. We've started doing campfires, picnics, flying kites, and just little last minute trips to Idaho Falls (close places). BUT. . .this last weekend a bunch of us went to Yellowstone National Park. It was fun. It is such a beautiful place. I couldn't get enough of the beautiful scenery. Anyways, that's about all that's been going in my crazy, beautiful life! I'm going home this next weekend to see family so I can't wait for that!  

 Isn't this picture BEAUTIFUL?!

Everyone have a fabulous Sunday night!