Sunday, February 19, 2012

Almost One Month Later!

Well, so much for trying to do better at saying what I am thankful for everyday! I was even gonna start really good at the beginning of February. But I didn't realize it was February till I started getting invited to Valentine’s Day parties haha So really all I'm trying to tell you is that I get kinda busy and forget to do things, including some of my homework! :-/ So I'll try and catch you up on some of the really important stuff that has happened in the past month.

School has been going really good, I love it actually. When I made the decision to go there I didn't realize that it would be the best decision I have made in my life so far. I have made some really good friends and my roommates are great. Shout out to Aimee Bean and Forrest Manning for doing everything together haha almost too much. We basically live at Forrest’s house. :]

Classes have been going good, but there for awhile I didn't know if I was gonna be able to do it. But I decided to suck it up and tell myself that this wasn't going to last forever and that I could do it. So I did. I've started having a better attitude about it and I can tell a huge difference. Good thing that I made this decision before midterms because this last week honestly kicked my butt! 6 tests last week. . . .not cool!

At the beginning of February I got really sick. I could hardly talk, I had the worst cough and runny nose, and I got cold sores on my eyelid. Not fun at all. I also had a huge anatomy exam and I was so stressed out. I went to the doctor on campus TWICE and they couldn't help me either time! So i decided to ask my friends Mike and Logan to give me a priesthood blessing and it was the sweetest blessing. I love the Priesthood and don't know what I would do with it in my life. I am so grateful for worthy boys that were able to give it to me right when I needed it. Of course it helped and of course I did better on my exam than i had ever hoped for.

Me, Aimee, and Forrest have definitely had some adventures since the last time I have been on. On a Friday night we decided to go to Wal Mart at one in the morning in Idaho Falls to search the $5 movie bins. Since Rexburg doesn't have a Super Wal Mart we thought Idaho Falls would have the movie we were looking for! Of course they did! We left Wal Mart with some pretty good steals! I got the movie i was looking for and Forrest got Monopoly for cheaper than the Rexburg Wal Mart! Look at us bargain shoppers:] Then we decided to go get breakfast at Sharri's and by now it was 2:30 haha. So we finally made it home and we told each other we planned to sleep in and that we were going to have a movie day all day Saturday. But that didn't go as we planned! We up and left Rexburg to go to Provo Utah to take some girls to a dance competition. We drove all that way starting at one in the afternoon. We got there by five, dropped the girls off and went to hang out with my sister, brother in law, and my adorable nephew. We had a great time. The girls finally called us at 10 P.M. telling us they were done. So we went to pick them up. We knew we had a long drive/night ahead of us. We ended up getting home at 3:30 and man were we tired! CRAP!!!! We forgot our keys!!!!!! What are we going to do?! Yes me and Aimee had forgotten our house keys and we had to sleep in Forrest’s car. All I have to say is that was one cold night! I will never forget my keys again! BHAHA i still can't believe we slept in a car! But anyways, we have had many adventures but those ones are probably our most fun, most memorable ones:]

Last weekend and this weekend I have spent it with my family and have had so much fun! I love my family and would not trade them for the world. I love them all so much. I love my Niece and nephew and love how much joy they bring into this family.

Any who, I will TRY and be better at blogging but don't count on it haha.

Everyone have a great rest of your Sunday!

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